Motorcyclists Road Safety
Motorcyclists Road Safety
There is great concern for the safety of motorcyclists in our roads. Among all users, motorcycle and pillion riders comprise the largest group that is involved in fatal road accidents. Road safety for motorcyclists is a paramount concern, as motorcycle riding requires balancing skills and greater control as compared to car driving. A motorcycle is also less visible and can be easily missed on the road. Furthermore, the body of the motorcycle offers very little protection to the motorcyclist.
Here are important reminders to reduce the risks in motorcycling:
Year after year, statistics show that motorcycles remain the most vulnerable group among all road users. To enhance safety, motorcycles and all motorists should follow these basic traffic rules and regulations:
- Keep to your left, unless you are overtaking
- Never ride when you’ve been drinking
- Keep a safe distance from other vehicles
- Do not swerve in and out of traffic
- Don’t overtake a convoy of vehicles
- Don’t speed
- Slow down when approaching a bend
- Anticipate pedestrians who may dash across the road
- Stay on the lookout for children and animal that may dart out unexpectedly
- Practice the 2-Second Rule: allow for two seconds between braking and making a full stop behind a vehicle
- Get out of a car’s blind spot
To avoid an accident, start with the right gear – properly secured helmet, tight fitting gloves, jacket, and closed footwear. Check that your tyres are not bald and that they are properly inflated. Turn on your headlight at all times and maintain the right posture for better visibility on the road.
- Concentrate when you ride, focus on the road
- Take good control of your bike
- Riding under the influence of alcohol and narcotics greatly increases your chances of getting killed
- Don’t speed, ride carefully
- Don’t change lanes unexpectedly, signal other road users before changing course
- Avoid tailgating, always keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front
- Practice road courtesy even when others do not
- Be visible, ride with your lights on
- Always obey traffic lights
- Keeps vehicle in roadworthy condition
- Uses good fitting clothing and riding shoes
- Has a crash helmet securely strapped at the chin
- Switches on the headlights for visibility, and has signal lights that are all working
- Keeps legs close to vehicle, in a gripping stance
- Wing mirrors are properly installed
- Brakes are effective
- Tyres are threaded and properly inflated
Source: “Handbook for Road Users” by Traffic Police Department, Singapore